Saturday, September 1, 2007

Legal but Lethal

Robbie Williams and Anna Nicole Smith have both been hooked on everyday medicines - like millions of others...

A drug addict used to be someone who bought illegal fixes from a shady character in a back alley. But with more and more people admitting addiction to prescription drugs, your ’dealer’ can be the person you least expect to harm your health - your GP.

Former model Anna Nicole Smith died of an overdose of sleeping pills and eight other prescription drugs. And earlier this year Robbie Williams checked himself into rehab after allegedly becoming hooked on painkillers and antidepressants.

Many doctors agree that powerful tranquillisers, sleeping pills and painkillers are addictive, and that the body craves more as its tolerance to them increases.
Some of the ingredients in painkillers, particularly codeine, may relax you and make you feel better. So if you’re already feeling a bit low it’s quite easy to get hooked.

Not at risk? - Think Again

o      Are you still taking painkillers even though your symptoms have cleared up?

o      Are you taking more and more painkillers to achieve the same pain relief?

o      Is the period of time you go between doses becoming shorter?

o      Are you repeatedly taking any prescribed drug without feeling any benefit?

If you answer yes to any of the above, your body may be developing a tolerance to the drugs and you may be addicted. See your doctor, but don’t stop taking your medication without your GP’s advice.

See also Benzodiazepine Forum


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